Frolic & Detour

Ten Month Roundup


We had a few interesting transitions in the last month.  We went from Thailand to the Philippines, then the Philippines to Japan.  The differences between these three countries have been delightfully entertaining– everything from culture, food, etiquette, weather, etc. is hugely different.  However, I will say that the differences perceived may be partly a result of my being just a little burned out of budget travel in Southeast Asia (after about 4 months of great experiences).  This burnout may be the leading cause of my growing affection for Japan.  Incidentally, the extreme delay in posting this roundup is largely due to enjoying Japan so much and having little time for anything else.  More on that later– for now, the numbers:

  • Countries visited: 3
  • Beds slept in: 11
  • Ferry rides: 4
  • Long distance bus rides: 8
  • Long distance train rides: 1
  • Scooters rented: 3
  • Flights: 6
  • Favorite splurge hotel: Treetops, El Nido, Palawan Island, Philippines
  • Favorite regular hotel: Bed and Terrace, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Miles traveled: 5,653