Frolic & Detour


Eleven Month Roudup

For much of month eleven we explored Japan.  I loved it.  It’s orderly, the food is delicious, the people are amazingly polite, things are on time (the trains are on time to the minute… everywhere, always), things are clean and,…

Ten Month Roundup

We had a few interesting transitions in the last month.  We went from Thailand to the Philippines, then the Philippines to Japan.  The differences between these three countries have been delightfully entertaining– everything from culture, food, etiquette, weather, etc. is…

Nine Month Roundup

It’s been nine amazing months of travel.  In the last month we took a road trip around Bali on a scooter, thought seriously about just staying on Nusa Lembongan, failed to obtain our India visa in Bangkok and rekindled our love…

Six Month Roundup

It’s time for the six month roundup, which is a little bonkers.  The last half-year has flown by, and according to our imprecise plans, this means we’ve made it about half way through this adventure (Henry is calling us home). During the…

Five Month Roundup

We celebrated our fifth month of frolic-and-detouring in Egirdir, Turkey, in the Lakes District. Incidentally, I had a an administrative law professor who was this stout dude from Boston–he looked like he was a college fullback–who was the first person to teach me…

Month Two Roundup

We spent our two-month travel anniversary wandering around Iguazu Falls, Argentina. A look back on our first two months of frolic-and-detouring: Countries visited: 3 Beds slept in: 18 Long-distance bus rides: 9 Rental cars: 3 Flights: 7 Empanadas consumed: countless…